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The Sensual Empress is part of a creative and spiritually tuned in community of strong and like-minded people choosing to heal the world through spiritual arts and pleasure.

image of a purple marble texture

My name is Pennie Please and I’m the founder and creator of The Sensual Empress, a spiritual space focused on empowerment through sensuality and the metaphysical world.


 I’m a Capricorn Sun, Virgo rising,  Leo Moon sign, a psychedelic love goddess, and I’m on a mission:  


I have what many may call an eclectic background, being an HR business partner with extensive leadership and coaching experience as well as a burlesque performer.  This background gives me the unique perspective of profoundly understanding all the facets of yin/yang energy, and I can share this information with you.

My consultations and events incorporate the combination of female sensuality and metaphysical arts to provide a transformative and healing experience. 

I work with you in a one on one setting to help create an environment that feels safe to practice openness, face challenges, and alleviate pain without the fear of judgment. 

You will walk away feeling empowered and hopeful with a new perspective, helpful resources, and a practical action plan to change the direction of your life 

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